Posts Tagged 'gundam'

From the Dust: MG 1/100 RX-178 Gundam Mk-II

Yup, it’s been a while since I took some shots of this only Gundam model kit of mine. Well, not really “only” but the only model kit I took seriously in building it. It’s the remarkable Gundam Mk-II from the Zeta Series of Universal Century. 😀 Confusing? Yes.

My older brother, who’s really into these model kits, bought me this one as a birthday present just for me to experience building gundam model kits with precision tools, paints and markers to make it realistic. I even got some enamel paints, the transparent ones, and paint thinners for the eyes and cameras.

Eventually, we ran out of space here in the house which led to the storage of this modelkit and the other ones. This also led to some damages on the model kits. For example, in this Gundam Mk-II, the right side armor on the waist is already broken. I still have to get an adhesive for that.

When I brought that Gundam out, I did not have the time to clean the dust. Moreover, I think it will look nice as it will give a weathered look, together with the other stains from trying to articulate the body frame many times. The camera used was my brother’s trusty 400D with a 50mm f1.8 lens. Still practicing on this lens rather than the kit lens (18-55mm). And I am also trying to sharpen my skills on photography without relying on Canon’s Image Stabilizer, which makes this 50mm f1.8 prime lens perfect for the training. 😀

MG Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam

I was hoping that Bandai would release the other strike packs so that it will not be boring for MG Strike owners. Although I really hate the MG Strike’s frame, it’s still an amazement for me on how Bandai was able to create a universal hardpoint for all of the Strike Packs including the new Strike E (e.g. Strike Noir). For example, you can mount the Strike Noir pack to a standard Strike Gundam. Now, they’ve completed the series for the Strike Gundam and have completed the 3 strike packs that was shown in the animation series.

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