Archive for February, 2013

Looking Forward

Quite a disappointment, isn’t it, if you try to push effort on doing something yet it does not turn out to be in your favor? It is really annoying and sometimes, it sets things as being not so trustworthy all of a sudden. It really blinds you on things, rendering you back to pessimism.

But I don’t want to go back to that. For quite a long time, I’ve been submissive to people’s misinterpretations and decisions. I don’t want them to misinterpret me and moreover, if my effort for trying to get things back to normal is not being noticed then I guess it is not my problem anymore.

I guess it is a good thing that I have other friends who can give a decent opinion on things happening me. Not that they sympathize and say that they are on my side. I know that I have a appalling attitude towards people last year. But that is where I knew the people who really care. People who are frank, tell that I have a terrible set of actions BUT will still go alongside me and guide me until I’m good to go on my own again. Those who are willing to listen, drop everything that they are doing and spend the precious minutes of their lives listening to my rants and see how I can be improved. And these people who really cared, understood my situation, that bad attitude and gave me the advice I need. They tell me, not only the flaws I have, but also tell me if I am already an irritating little *ss. “Pssst, you know what, you just did the worst. Next time, this is what you should do….”

I guess part of being a true friend is sacrificing their time. Not the sort of person who says he/she is willing to listen but does something else, letting you feel like an idiot talking to a wall. The people who accommodated me before, when they said “Let’s talk, I want to hear your story”, they mean it and they even said that when they are busy. Stop typing, stop clicking, stop reading and start listening.

Hopefully, this year will be a year of change. Change of environment, change of places and change of people.

I learned a lot from last year, and I am thankful to the situation and more importantly to the people.




Yeah, look forward. 🙂

Looking forward to meeting new people and discover new places and adventures. Forget the past? No because I am not the sort of person who runs away. 🙂 Good thing that your TRUE friends are there to tell you “yoohoo, get a move on! :D” then anticipate where you will turn your face on rather than “yeah, ‘maybe’ you should avoid it, blah blah blah.” and then turn away.

Yeah, look forward. 🙂

Friends. Time. Dedication. Commitment.

LifeDrive 2009

February 2013


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