Archive for December, 2010

The Question of Friends

An assessor of mine posted this as status in Facebook:


I have 787 friends in Facebook.

But when you need them, how many of them will be there for you? Click “LIKE” if you’ll be there for me, put this as your status and see how many will be there for you always. 🙂


Sounds superficial to me but I guess to the person who posted this might mean a lot to her. 😀 And it puts that question of friends again in my mind. How many are REALLY there when I needed help. Of course, aside from family I also need people whom I can talk with, as we all have been kind of. 😀 I know I am not that of an ideal person or friend to others but I always try to be one. It also kicks in the idea that there’s no need to look for something to get when you help a friend in need. But sometimes, you’ll find some recognition even for a small bit. That’s why most of the time, I suffer that non-recognition. You know what I mean, a friend that when you need is there within your vision range but when everything’s fine and you got what you need, that friend vanishes in the cloud of dust, will only appear again if you need him/her. I hate that idea but it is inevitable in this world of superficiality.

I think people around me knows that somehow I lack a bit of attention. Sometimes, I really don’t mind having a small number of friends or no friends at all. Sounds emo? 😀 Maybe but I just want to change that last point, there’s no such thing as no friends at all. I think the problem also lies in me wherein I think pessimistically about not having friends around when I need them.

When you have a problem, you of course go to the closest friends you know that will attend to you immediately. However, most of the time there are not and that really disappoints you (and me) big time. So big that you are totally discouraged to search for more people to ask because you might disturb them and just fold it in your sleep for the next day. I also think the same way but then it made me think deeper. What if they’re just busy or tired or anything? So sometimes, I cannot blame my friends for that. What if they’re not? I will just leave it like that and hope that there are people around who will attend and understand me. Although it gave me an idea because problems, no matter how hhaaaaaaaaaaaaard they are, they are solvable. 😀 And not just solvable, but solvable by one person or the person itself if he/she will persevere and be dedicated at solving it.

I don’t mean that from now on I should solve all problems by myself. Like what others are saying, there are still problems that one man cannot fix alone. However it is also saying that all problems cannot be solved by one man alone. 😀

So speaking of friends, let me then say some raves and rants about them.

There’s one who kept saying “thank you for being my friend”. Although recently (and most of the time) that person puts me always in the state of doubt. Right now, I really don’t know if I should still believe whatever that person says. You know, you try to be a friends but that person never really follow your advices. Of course, I’m not expecting that person to follow whatever I say but to HELP to get that person’s life any better I am trying to say things that person should do but that person is somehow stubborn. I don’t know but a friend should never get tired of helping but if you’re helping a lot, not following your advices and not recognizing you when you want help, that’s @#$%^&*(!.  Yeah I’m tired but as a friend, I will just standby here.

My Barkada. Well, most of us are graduating already so I don’t really disturb them for small talks or intimate ones. In fact, it’s a difficulty gathering them around as we are studying from different schools, with different courses which means different schedules. I just love my barkada as most of the things I learned about friendship, I learned it from them.

The people who call me “Kuya” in Ateneo. Somehow, they’ve established me on a position worthy of a Kuya name. So far, they are all calling me Kuya because I am a Kuya to them (I hope. whoops~!) But even if I’m not, I’m trying to be the best, old person around with them. And so far, (and I think) I am that Kuya. and I hope I would do better this year.

Of course, I won’t forget the people who helped me build myself right now. They’re the best. My awesome friend who’s in Japan right now is always there to guide me and always open for a conversation when needed. Never missed a beat. Thank you very much.


I also put that in my status. So far there’s 15+ that liked it and I hope those who Liked it will keep their word. I’m not expecting much but when things get rough, I hope they are there when you need them


Happy New Year to all!


Yup! You can see that my links have changed their corresponding images. 😀 Will follow the same format from now on. 😀

Christmas Post #2


Quite sad here, really. I don’t know why I opened this post… Nevertheless, I’ll just write.


Christmas is coming and there’s a freakin’ exam on the very last day of classes in my school. Our Fil class decided not to have classes. My philo decided to still have classes. My major subject decided to give its Christmas gift exam on the last day. >:E

Talking about friends, suddenly they’re hard to gather around. There are friends who are, there, but rarely recognize your presence. I remember one time that I considered myself what “V” considered himself as the ghost of the Christmas past. However, I considered myself literally as a ghost whereas “V” as a haunting person. Yeah, emo stuff probably from your point of view. But who doesn’t want to spend some quality time with friends? I recently joined my high school friends in UP’s Lantern Parade but the get-together was short lived as everyone has to go home early, including me. No overnight was planned.

No friends to have a loooooooooooooooooooong conversation with, even the new ones I’ve met recently because or orgs or any other means. I miss those times when I ask a friend or a friend asks me to just simply talk for a long time, whether it’s McDo or Starbucks or Gerry’s or Cantina and laugh at happy events and seriously talk about issues in life, friends, enemies, fellow batchmates and other people. And now that fun is somewhat not achievable when it should be! <:(

OH well, I guess it’s just me that’s having a problem here. Do I look as if I lack attention? ^_^ You can say that but it’s the only time I have to be with friends. There’s nothing wrong with not going out with friends.





Oh well.


I will be surprised if someone reacts to this post.

Christmas Post #1

I wonder if anyone within my circle of friends are reading this blog. Of course, I don’t really mind if they read everything I say here.  I actually prefer writing here than writing in multiply before. Writing in multiply was as if I was trying to force a rant on everyone.


Anyway, it’s nice to write here. I actually love it.

So what else do I wish for Christmas? I wish I will be able to talk to the people I want to have a conversation with. I want to have a close conversation with them. It’s been a while since I’ve had a nice table conversation, add up a cup of coffee or lots of food or beer.

How ’bout crushes? WHY NOT!!! Hahahah~! But I might look as if I am too desperate about love life. So I’m not really looking forward to talk to them but if there’s a chance, I’d love to take it and even treat them the foooood~! I don’t know if I will be brave enough to tell them. But what’s hard about this is the age gap. :((( Mehn I’m so oooold…


Coffee, Jollibee, McDo, Roasters, Cantina…




Um, of course, 2011 is coming and changes are necessary for the coming year. First of all, I need to add more buttons for the links and the new header should be made. I also made a new Multiply Account wherein I will place all the pictures I captured since I have been fiddling with my brother’s DSLR for quite some time. Using flickr would let me down after a certain amount of pictures uploaded.




If it’s secrecy you’re talkin’ about. :D

Howkey. if you’re one of them, you’d probably want to see what’s behind.

Continue reading ‘If it’s secrecy you’re talkin’ about. :D’


My Nokia 5800 shot using Canon 400D with 50mm f1.8 lens.

I am a big fan of single reflex lens cameras ever since I saw my dad’s SLR. I was fascinated by how much you can do with a couple of adjustments and certain mix of styles. But somehow, I am not really that interested. Now, photography has become an easily accessible hobby thanks to the development of DSLRs. But it’s going to be an expensive hobby because for one, lenses that are good cost so much that those who are ready to spend thousands and thousands of money for their passion on the hobby would be the only people who would be able to appreciate it dearly. Of course, I am not saying here that it’s not reachable, it’s just hard to get. Second, other equipment requires delicate handling as some are fragile and you also carry a lot of stuff around if you are to cover an event or so.

Another thing is that you have to research, if you’re a starter, on how an SLR works, how to make the right formula for every situation and then develop certain skills from there.

Speaking of skills, since I’m a gadgeteer and a hobbyist of R/Cs and other toys, the lens I have now is perfect since capturing objects such as toys would be captured properly with that lens. Capturing images with people is painful in that lens unless it is somehow a close shot or half-body. 😀 And like what I mentioned above, this hobby is quite expensive so aside from the kit lens that came with it, only that 50mm lens is the one I can reach.

So digital photography isn’t really my interest or passion. In fact, it’s contributing to the difficulty of my eyes focusing. 😀 Well, let’s just say I can do some sort of photo-shooting but I can’t place my money on it. It’s not my field of interest. Maybe when I get enough money for it. :D:D


Yehey! Christmas is coming and although this is also a time of wishing for things you can’t really get, wishing is still fun! So I guess I’ll go ahead by blogging here what I want for Christmas! First of all, most of the wishes are gadgets but most of them have a good reason for having one. 😀 Here we Go~!

For some reason, I want to replace my PSP with a new iPod touch as music player. Since the time I got my PSP, it served more of a music player rather than a gaming device although some occasions made it a gaming device, such as when the Gran Turismo title for the PSP was released. Now, it’s back to being a music player and I think I’m stressing it too much. Besides, it’s too large on my pocket whenever I listen music while going around school or commuting. So I baaadly need one… Oh, speaking of PSP..

I don’t know but I stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill like one of these. I don’t care if it’s the unmodify-able PSP-3000. What’s nice about this is that it’s no typical Piano Black PSP. The usual silver part in the middle of the device is smoked gray as well as the L-R Buttons. What I liked a lot about this one is that it has the Gran Turismo logo at front. It also has other authentic Gran Turismo stuff because it’s the PSP-3000 GT Racing Pack! 😀 I don’t care if there’s a PSP2 coming out, me like this one. 😀 Oh! Speaking of Gran Turismo…

I also want one of these mainly for the use of Gran Turismo 5. I am dyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiing to get one, hoping that it will let me graduate. So I guess this one might go after I finish my major that involve my terror prof. But I really want to try out Gran Turismo 5.

Now, something I really need. The Nike 6.0’s I got from my cousin just gave up and I have no time ordering a new 6.0’s online so I guess I’ll go for Nike Air Max. My brother showed me this Air Max 1 in these colors and I love it! 😀 This is most likely to be the wish that will be fulfilled since I badly need it. 😀 What’s nice is that this shoe is somewhat designed for running (?).

Another thing I need is this one:

Yup, a laptop bag. I’m currently using my brother’s Samsonite Bag and I wish I can get a new one so that I can return it to him… 😦

Some might ask, why not go for other gadgets, such as phones? Well, my phone shall last for around 5 years. I don’t really care about the pacing technology because even if I can go with it, my pockets certainly can’t. Even if I like HTC’s and Galaxy Tab’s in Androids, I can’t get them because I am not that wealthy to afford them. Not even a new laptop! 😀

How about DSLR? Though I’m starting to like to get a unit for capturing precious moments, I am not really that interested to Digital Photography, with all of the different styles and so on. It’s fine for me in getting one but I don’t think I will be able to use it all the time. Also, lenses are #$%^&*( expensive. I guess my hobby would simply stop at images that are captured well, leave the post-processing of effects on me.

I just want to get what I really need for next year… well, with the exception of the PSP and PS3 (Though I think my PSP will fail anytime. >:) ) DSLR is just in fact an expensive hobby, gaming devices may be affordable through saving but might ruin my academics, music players are fine, new phone isn’t necessary as I can still do everything with my current phone. Getting the shoes and bag is a big help. 😀 and also a new set of jeans and collared shirts and plain colored polo shirts. 😀

Gabay Family

Yeah, I’ve been sticking to this org for quite some time. It is actually fun to be here in this org but I might say that it’s a missed opportunity not to join this org since the start of my college year.

Not really. I think it’s just my way of managing things. I entered Gabay when I was second year college and I realized the size of the mountain I have to climb in my Acads so I had to drop orgs in my list. Now, things are a bit lenient (well, not really because of a major subject). But I was able to dedicate a bit more time in staying in the org. I am trying to find more time since I am not really used to extra activities inside school. I am more concerned about my academics and for sure the members Gabay as well but I know myself and I don’t have that much talent in time management.


But I am having fun. I don’t know some of the people yet but I think time will come for that. As my batchmate who came to Gabay at the very start of college, “Ang dami nang bago, hindi ko na sila kilala lahat”. When I entered Gabay, I only knew a few because of my LSAT connection. Finally with a bit of courage and some urging from LSAT peepz, I re-entered. I also entered Gabay once again to find answers to some of my questions in life and I think I’m digging in the right direction. So far so good, no anomalies to report. 😀

LifeDrive 2009

December 2010


Pit lane

  • 234,967 stops

Top Clicks

  • None