Just some thought

Just recently, something happened to me that probably could have been… you know what I mean. With this, I tried observing once again as it opened quite an opportunity for me to see the nature of the people around me. I only told a few of what happened to me and, not that I do not trust or consider them true friends, I had different reactions to how people around me reacted. I really do not want to say what happened but sometimes, there are no more escape zones. Some of my friends were angry, not really angry but the sort of group that will  nearly shout at you and ask how come I only mentioned this now. There are some who reacted similarly but I do not know if their concern was really there. That is why I rarely tell events to people because I do not know if they really care or not. Forgive me for my introvert tendencies. :/

I do not want to say that I call them friends and this is all I can get from them. In fact, I appreciate their concern regarding my condition but there is just this nagging feeling that makes you look once again who the true friends are. The group that went angry immediately ordered a meeting on the upcoming weekend. When the news spread, some of them really sent messages asking how I was and hoping for my speedy recovery. What amazed me, though, are the people who still continue to check on my condition. They were the ones who did not let me go back to shadows because they want me to be around.

Thank you guys for being there and still being there for me. I know we are all busy now with our work but you showed me true friendship and love.

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