Archive for March 17th, 2007

Premier Positioning…

Hmmm, right, Global Positioning System really makes me suspicious these days. You guys, for some of you, probably know how the thing generally works. It basically views you an image of an area from a satellite around the globe.  Now, this can be used to locate not only places, but also vehicles, houses, PEOPLE. Yes, it can locate people.

Nevermind that, could be worse. Now, I went to a place I haven’t gone before. It’s um, quite stupid to say this but I haven’t gone to a Premeir section of a movie place. Say, when you enter SM Fairview’s movies, you’ll see this green-lettered sign that says “premier—> ” then “deluxe^”.  Now, about movies, there sure are a lot of good and bad things happening. I know you know. My experience with the premier seating really made me realize why such people do such bad things at that area. Let me point out those that I saw with it. You see, most of the people who go in it are couples and when you here couples, multiple things come into your mind that you think they will do there. These are the possible (and the ones I saw) things that I can tell you:

1.) Too dark at that area. (Yeeess, it’s really dark there)

2.) People don’t care about what you do in your seat, whether it’s something good or nasty. (Me? it’s my first time to sit there, after hearing such rumors)

3.)Most of the people in that type of cinema goes to deluxe, so most of the premier seats are vacant. (It’s because the reason was that they can watch the movie down there, why pay for a more expensive seat?)

That’s just a gist of the things. I still cannot explain the other things but only those three are the ones in topic. I don’t know why, my mind is confused these days due to a bad news heard. YES! really bad news. It really lowered down the way I look at the people involved in that news. And guess what, they’re within the range of my friends. I don’t know if they still call me a friend. I TREAT them as friends but before the news. And if ever they don’t treat me as a friend, that will be sad. Hahahaha… Anyway, I can’t speak more about the people I’m talking about. It’s a secret based on observations. OBSERVATIONS.

Anyway, Gundam Mk-II is coming!

LifeDrive 2009

March 2007


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