Archive for March 9th, 2007

Ending Friday…

Morning: Quite stressed because it’s Friday and I wasn’t able to eat something I like. Following Roman Catholic religion, we arre not allowed to eat meat ever Friday within the 40-day preparation for Holy week. I only had Tomi, iced tea and six mentos candies for the morning intake. And, to my surprise, I arrived at school by 6:30 am seeing this statement written on the board: “Psychology —> IQ test ek-ek Test tomorrow, don’t be late and tell it to your classmates who left early”. So, there will be a test a few moments from now. HAAAY!

Afternoon: The test started by 8 o’clock morning and ended by twelve. The proctor decided to speed up the test, noticing that we were all sleeping fifteen to twenty minutes before the end time for each test. After that, I tried to calibrate Manfred’s NFS Underground for his laptop but it won’t work, the graphics card cannot do the job well. THen we tried other games and we happily played the NFS Hot Pursuit 2 and we enjoyed it. Why? Well, all I did is to show him that the cars that were intended to be sold by 10000 to 60000 credits were changed to 1. “..1? t***** yan, Paulo…”. And we got all cars straight, with the only hassle on the way is to buy them. By two thirty, we went out of the school to eat lunch. Since I cannot eat meat, I have to spend a hundred bucks for a Filet-o-Fish meal. Then when I got home, I played basketball, blinded by the dark skies and the lack of lights.

Night: Discovered that my friend here was on fire, due to that group of people I mentioned in my earlier post. They really cannot see their image outside. They don’t know how they look like in the eyes of other people, how damaged their image, how “feeling” they are to other people. Now, thinking of other stuff to write.

LifeDrive 2009

March 2007


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  • 235,299 stops

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